Kathlene, Hsin-Chi Chang

Hsin Chi Chang, known as Kathlene Chang, embarked on a journey that led her from her educational roots in Singapore, where she progressed from primary school through junior college. Upon completing her junior college education, she returned to Taiwan for university studies.

Hsin Chi Chang, known as Kathlene Chang, embarked on a journey that led her from her educational roots in Singapore, where she progressed from primary school through junior college. Upon completing her junior college education, she returned to Taiwan for university studies.

Languages have always intrigued her, and her passion for learning them has blossomed. Fluent in both English and Chinese, she has also delved into Tagalog and German, adding an extra layer of cultural understanding to her linguistic repertoire.

Languages have always intrigued her, and her passion for learning them has blossomed. Fluent in both English and Chinese, she has also delved into Tagalog and German, adding an extra layer of cultural understanding to her linguistic repertoire.

Beyond the world of languages, her interests extend to the realm of sports. Running, in particular, captivates her, and she finds herself participating in road runs frequently. But it's not just about physical challenges; She has equally driven to explore the world around her. Whenever the opportunity arises, she embarks on solo travels, firmly subscribing to the notion of "living a life you won't forget."

譯著/ (2023/09)

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