Writing Effective Marketing Promotional Materials


書號: A6506
ISBN: 9789578188365
出版年月: 2007/09
作者: 柯泰德◎著
定價: NT$480元
出版者: 揚智文化
類別: 教科書
裝訂: 平裝
開本: 18開
頁數: 416頁
CIP: 493.6
EAN: 9789578188365
系列別: 應用英文寫作系列


Table of Contents


UNIT ONE Forecasting Market Trends/預測市場趨勢
Briefly state the rationale for developing this product.
開發此產品的原因: 科技層面 (1) 相關產品 (2) 潛在利潤

Point out the market trends in the area of development while describing the financial aspect of developing this product
財務層面: 開發領域的市場趨勢

Visually depict the organization's strategy and approach to developing the product.
產品開發的組織策略和方案: a.策略的界定(包括最高目標及主要重點)b.執行策略方案的界定
Summarize market survey results, particularly in terms of the product's commercial potential and categories of product application
市場調查: a.產品的商業潛力 b.產品運用的範疇)

UNIT TWO Describing Product or Service Development/產品或服務研發
Introduce the current status of product or service development.
Describe its market value.
Point out unique features and characteristics of product or service development.
List major manufacturers of this product or service in Taiwan.
Explain the rationale for further product or service development in this area.

UNIT THREE Describing a Project for Developing a Product or Service/專案描述

Provide the rationale for taking on the project.
Present market data that justifies the project's feasibility.
Spell out the immediate and long term goals of the project.
Describe the project's distinguishing features, while pointing out the strategy employed to successfully complete it.
專案的重要特色: 專案的策略
Conclude the presentation by pointing out the anticipated merits of the project and the positive impact that it will have.

UNIT FOUR Introducing a Company or Organization 公司或組織介紹
Briefly overview the industry to which your organization belongs.
Describe your organization's mission as well as highlight its historical development. 組織的使命; 組織的發展沿革
Introduce the organizational structure. 組織的架構
Highlight recent technical accomplishments within the organization. 組織最新的科技成就
Point towards the organization's future directions. 結論 (未來發展方向)

UNIT FIVE Introducing a Division or Department/組或部門介紹
Describe the setting of your division or department within the larger organization. 介紹部門所屬的組織或公司
Highlight the organizational structure of the division or department. 部門的組織架構
Point out the staff's strengths and educational backgrounds/ work experience in a particular field. 部門的人才來源和教育背景
Spell out the missions of the division or department. 部門的使命
Elaborate on the manufacturing or research capabilities within the division or department. 部門之製造或研究的能力
List the technical services (e.g. industrial and consultancy) that the department or division offers. 部門提供的產業服務

UNIT SIX Introducing a Technology科技介紹
Briefly explain the factors(internal and external) factors that influence development of this technology in Taiwan. 影響台灣科技發展的因素
Point out the unique characteristics of this technology development in Taiwan. 科技發展的特色
List the objectives of how to further develop this technology. 發展.科技的目標
Define the role of this technology in relation to environmental, manufacturing or technology problems. 界定.科技的地位 :扼要解釋在環境,製造或科技方面的問題
List applications of this technology made so far, highlighting any particular characteristics or features that are unique to Taiwan's circumstances. 目前從事的應用科技: a) 應用科技的特色或特徵 b) 特殊的個案; 科技市場的契機; 繼續從事科技應用的未來挑戰)

UNIT SEVEN Introducing an Industry/工業介紹
Briefly highlight the general characteristics of this industry in Taiwan.此種產業在台灣的一般特色
Point out the difficulties encountered in industrial development. 產業所面臨的困境
Describe current activities of the particular industrial sector. 簡述一或二個目前活動的重點
Elaborate on the available technologies that are employed by the industry. 產業採用的科技
Discuss the related research and development facilities in Taiwan, and how they assist/collaborate with that particular industry. 台灣相關的研究發展設備
Answer Key
About the Author


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